Professional Animator currently working in the Film and VFX industry

Wei Xing @WX

Age 36, Male

Character Animator

University of Teesside


Joined on 5/31/03

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Posted by WX - March 2nd, 2010

Hit me a question and I shall answer it. GO!


How did you get so SEXY?

Buffalo juice.

When did you start animating and how did you learn?

I started animating at the age of 11 when my brother got a copy of Macromedia Flash and ever since then I couldn't get my hands off it. I was completely self-taught in Flash and animation in general. I watched a lot of inspiring animations back in the day and I would play them through frame by frame and tried to decipher their methods and apply it to my work.

will you ever finish your siedge outbreak thing? It's probably your best submission so far and it had a nice story.

No. Siege Outbreak was a ambitious project with a lot of time and effort put into it. However it failed in many animation aspects. I've learned that effort and dedication goes nowhere if you don't really know what you're doing.

Any more CS stick animations? and if so, soon?

See above comment of Neonleo's.

do you ever feel like an idiot for making the same cartoons you were makin when you were like 14?
where are you in England?

In fact, no I don't. My progress as an animator is apparent in my animations through the years. I look back at my old animations as a milestone of how much I have improved, everything has changed. From storytelling, to directing, acting choices to better animation principles.

I used to ask myself "How would a professional animator animate stick figures?" and "Just how GOOD can stick figure animations be?". I used to think I was at the top of my game at animating sticks, but I was very wrong. I've learned that there is still much to learn and even by doing these outtakes, I am still learning. One particular skill needed in making good stick animations is very clear posing and silhouette - otherwise no one can really tell what your character is doing at any paused frame.

I am currently in Newcastle, UK.

you gonna do a barrel roll?


I have 2:

1. I know you may not make another CS animation, but will you be making any OTHER kinds of animations?

2. What gave you the idea of your characters?

1. Yes, I am currently pursuing my career as a 3D Character Animator. I am investing a lot of time in 3D animation and bringing a character to life. I will be animating a 3D short film throughout this year and the next.

My portfolio website is http://wxyong.com

2. The ideas for my characters were lucky to say the least. I was 13/14 back when I created them. I had no idea what I was doing! I'm surprised they turned out so well to be honest. Consequently, some of the characters aren't as well designed or developed, I had to find ways of making them more distinguishable from the next. As my animations progress, you can see I've made considerable changes to their characteristics and design.

Not really a question but a comment, I'm glad youre moving on from CS related stuff, i think youre a creative guy with more to offer. kudos

Thanks Luis!

Much appreciated :)

2 how can i be awesome like you
3 will you be my friend? :3

1. No
2. Define "awesome"
3. Only if you give me candy

why won't my parakeet eat my diarrhea?

Because it doesn't taste good.

Well back then you didn't know what you were doing, but looking at your Forbidden Forest animation, you got a lot better since then.

Anyways, i hope you will allow me to ask a second question. Do you have any other projects in mind or planned out yet? I read that you have some 3D project planned, but i am talking about flash here. Anything?

Flash or 2D wise, no. I don't have anything planned for that. I am focussing on 3D animations at the moment that will showcase my full animation potential. Flash stuff usually isn't high quality (enough) materials to put on showreels.

what program do you use for your flashes

Adobe Flash CS3

1. Do you have anything major planned for your 3d submissions?
2. If something could have been fixed in your CS submissions, which would it be? are you satisfied with your work with flash?

1. A short film of less than a minute long. The story is still work in progress.

2. I'd redesign most the characters to have a more distinguishable look to them. A lot can be done, in terms of line thickness, to shape and colour design. Also, characters like Freekill, Psycho and Assassin are very generic and don't ring true to a stereotypical type player and could be a lot better defined. It is with animation all the time that I am always happiest with my latest piece of work and always the case that I can pick out a billion mistakes I've made in my previous animations. I am happy to say that I am reaching a stage where I'm getting more comfortable with my animation principles to animate any type of character I like.

Would you ever be interested in doing flashes outside of stick figures and CS themed?

Yes, if I have the luxury that is free time!

You are a pedophile ?


So, zombies... You use a Chainsaw or a Double-Barrel Shotgun?

Double-Barrel Shotgun of course!

1.) would you hate the person that raped your mother
2.) if you owned the Krusty Krab, would you hate terrorists?

1. Whats the meaning of life?
2. Why should I spare your life?
3. "I have no fangs, yet I constantly bite. I have no scales, yet I slither thruogh you. What am I?
4. I like that chicken's eyes.
5. Oh wait that one wasn't a question...

1. To find happiness
2. Because I'm awesome
3. A Ghost?

do u gonna make a game a about your animations?

See my comments on JonBro's.

I kinda like how you made this post. It's plain and simple, "Ask a question, I'll answer it." There's delayed substance to it that satisfies everyone!

Anyways, I guess now I need to think of a question...

Have you ever thought about making a Flash game of any kind, whether you'd try to program it yourself or collaborate with someone who already knows how?

A friend has proposed to me the idea of making a game based on my CS characters and as cool and excited as I am about that, it just won't happen unless I have a couple of months full time to work on that. In short, yes I have thought about it and I'm up for collaboration... at this point though, it seems very unlikely that I'll be making a flash game.

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